

The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting March 11, 2025

Meeting called to order by President Linda Bailey at 1:30 pm 

1)    Housekeeping; pledge, AED. Welcome to 2 new members

2)    Nominations for 2025/2026: President Lorraine Brown, VP Kathy Mele, Treasurer Cathy Emes, Secretary Sheri Silverman

2)     May Celebration will be at Laurel Manor, 1:30 May 13, 2025. Tickets will be available for sale in April.  Lorraine Brown can be contacted through April 30 to obtain Luncheon tickets.

3)    Scholarships will be presented at the May Celebration. The proceeds from the raffles help with supporting the nursing scholarships.  

4)    Tours: Nancy Rush discussed upcoming tours

5)    Treasurer: Kathy, treasurer; Raffle generated 169.00. Total 2277.00 expenses 303.51 and 2074.00 club balance.

9)    Raffle

11) Today’s speaker:  Dr. Shannon Floyd. Dr Samuel Mason, Care of the Feet

14) Meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, 

Lyn McElwee


The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting February 11, 2025

Meeting called to order by President Linda Bailey at 12:35 pm 

1)    Housekeeping; pledge, AED. Welcome to 7 new members

2)    May Celebration: Luncheon and installation of Officers. Nominations are in March, vote in April and install in May. May Celebration will be at Laurel Manor, 1:30 May 13, 2025. Tickets will be available for sale in March and April.

3)    Scholarships will be presented at the May Celebration. The proceeds from the raffles help with supporting the nursing scholarships.  Applications have been sent and we are receiving them presently. The club will give 1 scholarship and 2 other Memorial scholarships.

4)    Tours: Nancy reports programs coming.

5)    Treasurer: Kathy, treasurer; Raffle generated 169.00. Total 2277.00 expenses 303.51 and 2074.00 club balance.

6)    Facebook page;   Lyn reports FB chat page is private and only open to cative members who have been approved.  The webpage is

7)    Volunteering:  check website

8)    We are Listening: we are getting good suggestions. One was bringing back snacks and would need a coordinator for this. In the past Nancy D was in charge and mentions various complaints. This option was discontinued with Covid. All members encouraged to bring their own drink and snack etc.

9)    Raffle

10) May 13, 2024 is the usual Tuesday date for the May Nurse Celebration. The venue is Laurel Manor just for this year related to schedule change. The time is 1:30pm with 1:00 used for setting up.

11) Today’s speaker:  Dr. Ramos and Dr. Carter from Lake Sumter College reporting on the medical programs available - AS in Medical Technology, As in Respiratory care, AS Nursing RN to BSN.

12) New members came up for an introduction (7).

13) Dr. Balulas February 13, 2025 from 10- 1:00 discussion on Life Vest.            30 West Oak Terr, Leesburg.

14) Meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting January 14, 2025


Meeting called to order by President Linda Bailey at 12:35 pm 

1)    Housekeeping; pledge, AED. Welcome to 6 new members; Carol F….., Ann Hoffman, Ann Richard, Fran Robertson and Connie Penney.

2)    Lyn-  Facebook has received questions related to topics not always addressed. Perhaps a separate chat subgroup within The Villages Nurse Club. 71 members. If not receiving an email let Lyn know.

3)    Kathy, treasurer; Luncheon costs were $415.18 for food, $122.00 for reusable decorations, and $200.00 to Clark Barios for entertainment. Raffle $200.00 with $60.00 payout. 160 went to scholarship fund. 4 renewals and money for scholarship for a total of $2108.00 Balance of funds in the club is $2148.18

4)    Marilyn: nominations- new VP needed for next year. Duties include: planning the Christmas and May celebration luncheons. The following year the VP becomes the president.

5)    Tours:  The Villages Dementia organization will sponsor 40 vendors January 24, 2025 at the Savannah Center 8:00 to 11:00. Will share today’s speaker on The Nurse Club Facebook page.

6)     We are listening; the club is looking for ideas, there was great participation with suggestions. Some of what was done in the past will be discussed again. Membership to coordinate signup sheets projected.

7)    Raffle

8)    May 13, 2024 is the usual Tuesday date for the May Nurse Celebration. The venue is Laurel Manor just for this year related to schedule change.

9)    Today’s speaker: Debra Fulton-Fisette APRN.  Behavioral health with The Villages Health. Located in Spanish Plaines Specialty Center 1400 US 441 Building 810, The Villages 32159.

10) Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted, 

Sheri Silverman



The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting November 12, 2024

Meeting called to order by President Linda Bailey at 1:35 pm

1)     Housekeeping; pledge, AED.

2)    Website has the minutes listed.

3)    Honoring founding member Sandy M. Poklar who passed away. Her obituary was published in the Daily Sun Sunday November 17, 2024.

4)    The Nurse Club’s FaceBook page discussed. Lyn is the best person to contact.

5)    Veterans’ day honoring all the nurses in the military.

6)    Collection for Life Stream next month. Vicky is not going to continue with Life Stream, Dawn and Kip Putt will take it over. December 7 is drop off and 11:00 to 3:00 will be at Dawn’s house to wrap the gifts.

7)    December Holiday party discussed. The Celebration will be provided by the club. There will be a cookie exchange. Clark Barrios is the entertainment.

8)    May 13, 2025 is the usual Tuesday date for the May Nurse Celebration. The venue is not available; however, it is a possibility that Laurel Manor is available that day.

9)    Treasurer’s report; Kathy reports $ 2,732.08 is total balance.

10) 2 new members- 5 new members this month.

11) Tours; Nancy reports tour date. Virtual Alzheimer at Brownwood health Care Center November 22, 2024 8:00 am and can take up to 20 nurses. Meet in the lobby. Next year the poster demonstration at Lake Sumter Community College will be one of the tours.

12) Working on publicity for our club in the Daily Sun.

13) Raffle- June Cook- 2 winners at $25.00 each.

14) Scholarships discussed.

15) We Are Listening discussed by Arlie in relation to forming a social committee

16) Speaker today: Dr. Mohammed Elamir form Aviv Clinic at Brownwood Health Care Center. Dr. Elamir talked about aging and athletics.

17) Meeting adjourned at 1:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting October 8, 2024

Meeting called to order by President Linda Bailey at 1:37 pm

1) Housekeeping; pledge, AED

2) Website has the minutes listed

3) The Nurse Club’s FaceBook page discussed. Lynn is the best person to


4) “We are listening” discussed related to name change and cards on the table.

5) Collection for Life Stream next month. The December 8 party supports Life

Stream. There are 15 residents in the program, the collection $ the treasurer

collects. The representatives come to the December party and represent the


6) December holiday party- Clark Barios coming. No cost for the party. Desserts and will have a cookie swab with bags to take cookies home.

7) May meeting- the room is not available and looking for another venue. The

cost may have to increase related to food costs.

8) Nurse Club does not make endorsements for medical providers but we are

able to talk among ourselves and share resources.

9) Treasurer’s report; Kathy reports $ 2,641.61 is total balance.

10) 2 new members- Lori Keating and Deloris O’Hara

11) Scholarships not reported on at this time.

12) Tours; Nancy reports tour date for the UF Spanish Plains Hospital is 10/22 at 10:00 am CPR at Station # 44 October 15.

13) Raffle

14) Ellen reports next month Veterans’ Day recognizing Veterans November 12.  Members asked to wear red, white and Blue.

15) Leslie reports on Lake Sumter College asking for judging October 29. 8 are needed.

16) Marilyn not here to discuss nominations.

17) Pat reports on the Sunshine fund, if anyone knows someone who is ill, etc to let her know so a card can be sent.

18) Speaker today: Maiorino Global, Total Quantum Healing. Mary Soares and John Marino. Talk about wellness.

19) Meeting adjourned at 1:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

Business Meeting September 10, 2024 

Meeting called to order by President Linda Bailey at 1:40 

 Facebook page announced and discussed.

2 new members recognized

Treasurer report: $1,981.61 is the club’s balance. Monies will be collected through donations and raffles for scholarships.

Lifestream: Kip explained the Life Stream and the in-house patients. The 50/50 raffle is used for Christmas gifts for the residents.

Four new members, two last May and two today. The new members were introduced.

Scholarships: October Kathy will send information to the colleges with directions to get the process started for this year’s recipients.  Scholarships are given out at the May Nurse Celebration.

Tours:  Nancy presented the September 12, 2024 tour of the UF Spanish Plaines Hospital. Meet in the lobby at 10:00 a.m.

October will be CPR at Station #44 and cost is $25.00. 

Sunshine: Discussed what Sunshine Committee is, sending cards out for illness, loss etc. Asked to please notify Kitty.

Raffle: June discussed. Publicity: Kim reports we are good to November/December.

Nominations: Marilyn reported on.

Arline reported on “Are we listening”. This will be a box available at the Nurse Club meeting for participants to offer suggests of what they may like and dislike. 3 X 5 cards will be available for thoughts and suggestions. Contact information encouraged. The items could be related to educational opportunities, speakers and other items.

Meeting adjourned at 2:06 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

General Business Meeting April 9, 2024 12:52 p.m.

Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 12:52

1)      Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

2)     Flexibility with Nurse Club schedule related to speakers schedule.  Housekeeping: AED

3)     June Cook reported on raffle tickets and support of scholarships. There was no further update on scholarships.

4)     Next month the scholarships will be awarded.

5)     Treasurer’s report Pat Quinn. Kathy Mele was unavailable today related to conflicting plans. There are $3,000 available for scholarships this year. Two members have kindly offered funds for a 750.00 scholarship. $680.00 in luncheon funds and $ 3369.00 in the bank to date.

6)     Linda Bailey reported on the luncheon, May 14, 2024. It will be catered by La Hacienda as in the past. Linda offered her cell phone for anyone who has not purchased a luncheon ticket. 860-803-1546. The closing date for purchase is April 30, 2024.

7)     Scholarship Committee: the process for obtaining a scholarship is Kathy Mele reaches out to the Nursing programs - 3 colleges in our area working with the instructors.  Kip Putt met yesterday discussing the 13 applicants and 3 will be chosen. The Nurse Club will give $1,500.00, the Weinheimer family will donate $1,000 and private nurse donations for another $750.00 scholarship

8)     Marilyn Lanzone introduced the candidates for 2024/25 Nurse Club. The new vice president Lorraine Brown and Linda Bailey for president. Treasurer Kathy Mele, Recording secretary Sheri Silverman, Corresponding secretary Pat Keeney. The installation will be at the Nurse club luncheon next month.

9)     Tours report by Nancy Rush. The last tour will be the Ocala HCA ER located on 466A in the Trailwinds plaza April 23, 2024 at 9:00. 15 member limit.

10)  Sunshine report: Pat Keeney and Kitty Weber sends out the cards if a member is ill or in need.

11)  Raffle: June Cook

12)  Adjournment- 1:13 pm.

13)  Addendum- 120+ in attendance, 206 current members, 5 renewals  and 3 new members for March 2024.

Respectfully submitted by Sheri Silverman


The Villages Nurse Club

General Business Meeting March 12, 2024

Meeting called to order by President Arline Reinking-Hanf at 1:30 PM

1)      Welcome and Pledge of Allegiance

2)     Housekeeping: AED

3)     Kathy Mele reported on the raffle and scholarships status.  Linda Bailey reported on the status of the May Celebration Luncheon, and Linda will be president next year.    Nancy Rush reported on the last tour and stated there will be no tour in March. April tour TBD. Updates on our website.

4)     General business meeting 

              a.     Committee reports

                          i.     Treasurer- Kathy Mele reports financial. Raffle $211.00 and payout $75.00 and $1028.00 in scholarships.

                         ii.     Tours- Nancy Rush announced February tour was well received. No tour in March with April TBD.

                        iii.     Linda Bailey reported on May Celebration and will be president next year. Tickets are on sale now at $20.00.

                       iv.     Scholarship application update - applications are coming in and the club will give out three scholarships this year.

5)     Raffle-June Cook

6)     Adjournment- 1:38 p

Respectfully submitted by Sheri Silverman


Created by Lyn McElwee