About Us
We are a social club that provides opportunities for you to grow in knowledge, service and compassion, and promotes fellowship with other nurses.
(Please note that because we are strictly a social club, we do not provide nursing referrals, medical lists, or lists of assistance agencies. We encourage anyone in need of more information to pursue guidance from their physicians or specialists, or call The Villages Public Safety Department at 352-205-8280)
The general meetings of THE VILLAGES NURSES CLUB are held the second Tuesday of each month. (September through May).
Meetings take place at the Savannah Center. The doors are open at NOON. Social time from 12 - 12:30.
Please note there are no meetings scheduled in June, July and August. Additionally membership applications are accepted September thru April.
Membership is open to RNs and LPNs with active/inactive licensure with an up-to-date Villages ID card.
(You can complete a membership form and bring it to the next meeting - go to JOINING page on the left).
Annual membership dues are $10.00 payable at the first meeting attended in that Fiscal year. Our Fiscal year is September - May.
Guests are allowed to attend meetings, and will be charged $5.00, which will be added to the scholarship fund. Guests must be former nurses.
Question or comments for The Club, click on the link below:
Benefits of membership in
Nurses are a valued resource. TVNC features medical professionals at the monthly meetings who speak on current topics to enable us to grow in knowledge.
• We provide camaraderie with fellow nurses, sharing past experiences and promoting the nursing profession.
• Social events for members:
Nurses Recognition Ceremony and luncheon during National Nurses Week in May.
Holiday potluck luncheon in December., facilities tours.
• We reach out to the community by: Awarding scholarships for nursing students, Supporting Christmas Wish List for patients at a local Behavioral Center.
Be Proud Of Your Profession-Caring Never Ends